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Solar & land use: Large-scale solar projects are often touted by developers as low-impact installations, with few downsides on land use. However it’s important to consider all aspects of large solar projects in deciding whether to approve, modify, or deny applications for such projects on agricultural and forested land. (Solar on brownfield or industrial tracts is a different issue altogether.)

Solar decommissioning: Every large-scale solar project requires that the developer provide a decommissioning agreement in writing to local officials and the public to describe their legal requirements in removing the installation. But the details need to be scrutinized carefully to make sure developers are legally held to account for the things they say they’ll do.

Hidden costs of big solar: Costs of industrial-scale solar include both rising costs to consumers in the form of higher electricity bills and the risk of future costs to counties and communities for decommissioning solar projects.

Solar & the environment: Solar energy is often described as clean or green energy. But large-scale solar projects can have a significant negative impact on the environment, both on the land itself and on the ecological health of wildlife habitats. This is a key reason why large solar projects are not well suited for agricultural or forested land.