Endangered species: Learn how to research animal species that are listed as endangered or threatened by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS); the FWS is not allowed to permit development if that project “takes” a species or adversely modifies critical habitat.

Map of solar projects in Virginia: Check out these maps showing just how many acres industrial-scale solar projects would consume at full build-out (over 498,000, or 778 square miles) and how many solar panels would cover the land (58 million in all).

Loss of forested land: Virginia’s forest resources are threatened by development in general and by utility-scale solar development in particular, which is causing significant forest loss in the state.

Planning Association analysis: Read the many areas of potential concern caused by industrial-level solar projects in Virginia, as published in a Planning Advisory Memo by the American Planning Association.

Hidden costs of VCEA to consumers: Researchers at American Experiment analyzed the cost to consumers for meeting Virginia’s mandates for 100% “clean” energy by 2045 and the impact of those mandates on the reliability of the state’s electricity grid.

PEC utility-scale solar policy recommendations: This 22-page study by the Piedmont Environmental Council highlights key points to raise when solar projects come before local planning and governing boards for approval.